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Scheduled Speakers:

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Tony Cruz
Freedom Life

Growing up in the Bronx in New York City, Tony was often surrounded by drugs and violence. After losing his father at the age of seven, he was raised by his single mother. As a teenager, he got involved with street activity. One day he was invited to an outreach where he heard about the gospel and the love of God. It was that night that he realized his life needed something different that the streets were not giving him. Tony put his trust in the Lord that night and gave his life to Jesus Christ. Tony later received the call to ministry and began to preach at the age of sixteen.

After graduating from bible college, Tony and Elisha served as associate pastors heading out the student ministries department for four years just outside Philadelphia. In 2004, Tony and Elisha started their evangelistic ministry traveling across  the nation as the featured speaker at conferences, camps & conventions for the next seven years before being  called to starting this work in Lewisburg, PA.

For over 20 years, Tony has been preaching about the life-changing message of hope, healing, forgiveness and purpose found in Jesus Christ alone.  He speaks with a deep passion and conviction.  Pastor Tony and Elisha are lead pastors of our thriving church and have two boys and a little girl. They started Freedom Life Church in 2011 with a handful of families and have watched many lives changed for God's glory.


Jason is a graduate of the University of Valley Forge (’95) where he earned his BA in Pastor Studies and the Assemblies of God Theological Seminary (’02) where he received his MA in Counseling.  In full-time ministry since 1995, he has served as youth pastor, executive pastor and lead pastor at two of our Network churches: Abington, PA (seven years) and Shrewsbury, PA (seven years).   Jason all serves on the Mantour Ministries Board of Directors


He is the author of a number of books including Better Together, The 5-Shifts and a Discipleship Training Series. 


He is married to his Californian girl Rene’ and they have four children: Josia, Daniel, Lydia and Sarah.


Jason Tourville
PennDel Ministry
Care Director

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Pastor Brian is the Men's Ministry Director for the New Jersey District.  He has also been the Senior Pastor at Living Hope Worship Center since 1999, after serving in various ministry positions at churches throughout the greater Philadelphia area. He draws upon his extensive academic and "real life" experiences in studying God's Word and in challenging everyone to live lives following and honoring God. 


Pastor Brian and his wife Marianne live in Woodstown and have 3 daughters (Alyse, Amy, and Sara).

Brian Donnachie
New Jersey District Men's Ministry Director

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