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Scheduled Speakers:

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George Krebs recently retired as Director of Children's Ministries in the PennDel District.  He is ordained with the PennDel District.  He now co-pastors River of Life Church in Sunbury, PA with his wife Jan, who is Lead Pastor.  Additional bio coming soon!

George Krebs
River of Life Church


Jim Pentz recently announced his retirement as lead pastor of New Covenant Assembly which he founded.  He is also the Presbyter of the North Central Section of the Penn-Del Ministry Network. He and his wife, Holly, have been married for forty-one years and have been blessed with two married daughters, their husbands, and four grandchildren.

James Pentz
New Covenant Assembly


Rob is a devoted follower of Jesus Christ, happily married 30+ years to his beautiful bride Margo, blessed dad of Erik (Kristen), Lindsay and Aaron, in 21st year of pastoring the awesome folks at New Life Church in Grantville, PA. 


Lifelong avid Michigan Wolverines and Detroit Tigers fan.  Loves outdoor sports and activities: kayaking, hiking, golfing, biking, camping with family & friends.  Next bucket list items: take tour of Israel and learn how to windsurf.

Robert Stiem
New Life Assembly

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Jamie, the Founder and Director of Mantour Ministries, is a graduate of the University of Valley Forge.  He is also an ordained minister with the Penndel District of the Assemblies of God and an AG Associate Missionary with AG Missionary Church Developers, focusing on strengthening men and men's ministry.


Jamie’s passion is to help men overcome the pain of their past and reach their full potential as God’s men.  “Years ago, while I was attending the University of Valley Forge, God gave me a deep desire inside to minister to men. My calling is to help men learn what it means to be a godly man and how to develop a deep, personal relationship with their Heavenly Father.  We strive to challenge and encourage men to reach their full potential in God’s Kingdom.”


Along with planning Mantour Conferences, Jamie enjoys writing and speaking to men.  He's had articles featured in Prodigal Magazine, New Man Magazine, and on the Assemblies of God Men’s Ministry Website.    He's published four books, "Putting On Manhood", "Legacy: Living A Life That Last",  "Get In The Game", "Invincible: Scaling The Mountains That Keep Us From Victory", and Whatever I Takes" and he is currently working on publishing his 5th book, "Burning Daylight".

Jamie Holden

Founder Mantour Ministries,  AGUS Missionary Assoc.

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