Recently, my sister Adessa told me a story one of her friends had shared about her grandson.
Apparently, the little guy is very friendly, meeting people everywhere they go. Lately, he's started inviting his friends (old and new) to come and play at Grandma's house.
Now, when I say "friends," I mean everyone he meets--the librarian at the library, the old guy he talks to in the doctor's office waiting room, or the worker at McDonald's serving him a happy meal.
He was such a friendly kid, and he wanted to invite everyone he met to play at his favorite place, his grandma's house.
But how cute is that?
He meets people and invites them to the most fun, safest, most awesome place he knows: Grandma's house!!! Being a pre-schooler, he wants everyone to enjoy the place as much as he does!!
Over the next few days, I thought about this very cute story and wondered, "When do we lose that tenacity?"
When do we grow up and lose our desire to invite people to the best place we know: our Heavenly Father's House?
As sons and daughters of God, it should be just as natural and normal for us to tell others about Jesus, His gift of salvation, and the offer to join His family as it is for this little one to invite others for playdates.
There should be no embarrassment, fear, or intimidation… we're just telling people about the best things in our life…our Heavenly Father.
We're sharing what He's done in our lives and how He can do the same for them.
Just like this little child is free from inhibitions or the fear of rejection, we need to become like little children in this area and focus on the Great Commission of spreading the Gospel.
Yes, some will reject us…but aren't a thousand rejections worth it if one person takes us up on our invitation to enter the kingdom?
It's something to think about.
I hope that the next time you share your testimony or tell someone about Jesus, you'll remember this little guy and think, "If he can do it, so can I."
Then, invite someone to come and go with you to your Heavenly Father's house.
“For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes.” (Romans 1:16, ESV)