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Scheduled Speakers:

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Scott serves as the Lead Pastor at GT Church.  Called to ministry in 2002, Scott started his official ministry journey in the beginning of 2005 when he was first hired at GT as an Associate Pastor, leading Young Adult and Single Adult Ministry.  Over the following years, Scott became the Discipleship Pastor, and eventually the Executive Pastor.  In 2021, he was given the opportunity to continue serving his call to ministry as Lead Pastor, still at GT Church. 


Scott has a passion for God’s Word, as well as for teaching and preaching.  Scott and his wife Kate are married for 23 and have 3 children.  Lucas and Matthew are both in college at Liberty University, and their daughter Aarilyn is in 6th grade. 


In his spare time, Scott loves spending time with his family, and playing a round of golf.

Scott Kramer
GT Church


Greg has been serving as a full-time evangelist since 1985. Greg, the son of a former professional basketball player, gave his heart to Jesus at the age of 17. Nine months later, he began attending Valley Forge Christian College, where he would later meet Robyn. They were married in 1981 and spent their first five years in youth ministry before beginning their evangelistic ministry.

Youthful in heart yet appealing to all ages, Greg is known to communicate the message of Jesus Christ with passion, humor, conviction, and power.

Greg Hubbard
Hubbard Ministries

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Jamie Holden

Founder Mantour Ministries,  AGUS Missionary Assoc.

Jamie, the Founder and Director of Mantour Ministries, is a graduate of the University of Valley Forge.  He is also an ordained minister with the Penndel District of the Assemblies of God and an AG Associate Missionary with AG Missionary Church Developers, focusing on strengthening men and men's ministry.


Jamie’s passion is to help men overcome the pain of their past and reach their full potential as God’s men.  “Years ago, while I was attending the University of Valley Forge, God gave me a deep desire inside to minister to men. My calling is to help men learn what it means to be a godly man and how to develop a deep, personal relationship with their Heavenly Father.  We strive to challenge and encourage men to reach their full potential in God’s Kingdom.”


Along with planning Mantour Conferences, Jamie enjoys writing and speaking to men.  He's had articles featured in Prodigal Magazine, New Man Magazine, and on the Assemblies of God Men’s Ministry Website.    He's published four books, "Putting On Manhood", "Legacy: Living A Life That Last",  "Get In The Game", "Invincible: Scaling The Mountains That Keep Us From Victory", and Whatever I Takes" and he is currently working on publishing his 5th book, "Burning Daylight".

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