"I wish I had a million dollars."
Even as I type those words, I hear Jimmy Stewart's voice as he plays George Bailey in the holiday classic "It's a Wonderful Life." Always a favorite at my house when we were growing up, I must have seen that movie at least fifty times! Starting on Thanksgiving Day and going through Christmas, it seemed like every channel showed the film AT LEAST once a week. My sister and I watched this movie so often growing up that I can literally recite it line for line.
For those of you who haven't seen the movie, here's a brief recap:
The movie starts with George as a little boy living in a small town in Bedford Falls. Although his life seems very picturesque---loving mother and father, adoring little brother, and lots of caring and kind people coming in and out of his life---George is discontent.
Okay, discontent is a mild way of putting it.
George is restless---full of big ideas and dreams of getting out of this "one-horse town" and going to "see the world." His restlessness became the central focus of his life. It was all he talked about, worked toward, and wished for. Even when he utters the infamous words, "I wish I had a million dollars…Hot Dog!", the next few words out of his mouth are a long-winded speech about all the places he wants to go and see, and the big, exotic, crazy life he's going to lead---someday.
Ultimately, George never left Bedford Falls, never saw exotic places, or lived the life of a roaming bachelor. He didn't even win a million dollars. Instead, the movie shares the life of a man who grew up, got married, raised a family, and took over the family business. As an adult, he was a successful businessman, a community leader who was loved, respected, and looked up to by everyone---but his big plans never happened.
To the average onlooker, George had everything. Unfortunately for George, he didn't see it that way. All he could see was everything he missed and didn't have and all his wishes that never came true. For about 75% of the movie, this man with a "wonderful life" is one of holiday cinema's most miserable, moody, melancholy characters.
(At this point, I realize those of you who love the movie now hate me, but please continue reading anyway.)
Like cancer, his discontentment, regrets, and self-pity were stealing his joy, his hope, and ultimately trying to destroy his life. Like so many people today, his desires for things he didn't have blinded him to all that he could have enjoyed.
But it doesn't have to be that way. Each of us has the choice of whether or not we will have "George Bailey syndrome" or choose to enjoy our wonderful lives. Here are some practical choices you can make to discover your wonderful life.
1. Stop focusing on what you want and thank God for what you have.
Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus. (1 Thessalonians 5:18, NIV)
When we focus on what we have to be thankful for, it changes our perspective and helps us to become more content. It may sound old-fashioned and corny, but there really is something to be said for "counting your blessings" to change your attitude.
2. Focus on Being a Blessing to Someone Else.
Nothing will change your attitude and help you experience contentment more than taking your eyes off of your situation and reaching out to help someone less fortunate than yourself. It's all about perspective, and helping someone in a worse situation than you will change your perspective.
3. Accept that God Knows Best.
Okay, I'm not going to minimize this---I know what some of you are dealing with more than just the "I-wish-I-had-a-million-dollar-blues." Some of you are dealing with challenging situations where it is tough to be content. You're suffering, and you want out of these circumstances NOW.
How can you learn to be content?
Let's look at Psalm 131 and take a lesson from King David, a man familiar with heartache and difficult circumstances. It reads:
My heart is not proud, Lord, my eyes are not haughty;
I do not concern myself with great matters or things too wonderful for me.
But I have calmed and quieted myself; I am like a weaned child with its mother; like a weaned child I am content.
Israel, put your hope in the Lord both now and forevermore. (NIV)
David knew the key to being content was to be calm and accept the circumstances, quiet his soul, and put his hope in the Lord. He has fully submitted his will to God's will and relinquished the "I deserves" that comes with a proud heart and the discontentment that comes with an envious heart. Instead, he chooses to be humble and trust that God knows what He's doing, and he will be content to live in God's will for his life.
Trust me, I know that making the choice that David made is not easy. There were many years when my life followed the example of George Bailey, and I was discontent with the path God chose for my life. I wanted more. I thought I deserved more, and I envied those who had more.
Then the Holy Spirit spoke to me, and He convicted me of the sin of being discontent. He showed me that I had to stop envying other people's lives and begin enjoying and appreciating my own life. During that time, like David, I had to learn to quiet my soul and be content.
At first, it wasn't e
asy. It never is when we're retraining our brains. However, looking back now, I can honestly say that this "correction" was one of the greatest gifts God has ever given me because it taught me to be content.
So what about you?
What choices are you making in your life this Thanksgiving?
Are you doing your best imitation of cranky old George Bailey, or are you choosing to be content?
You decide: Will you spend your life wishing for things you don't have or choose to be content and thankful for what you've been given?
Two choices are standing before you:
Contentment or Discontentment, Joy or Envy, Thankfulness or Ungratefulness.
Which one will you choose?
It's A Wonderful Life. Directed by Frank Capra, performances by James Stewart, et al., Liberty Films, RKO Radio Pictures.