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December 23 Bible Reading

Don't Be Like Walter

One of my all-time favorite Christmas movies is Elf. My sister will tell you that we watch it several times during Christmas and maybe once or twice when it isn't a holiday. Every time I still laugh out loud and say, "In this role, Will Ferrell is a genius!"

For the most part, my sister enjoys it, too. Except she says the last twenty minutes are unrealistic. I roll my eyes and say, "Yeah, because the rest of the story about a human raised by elves in the north pole is totally realistic." Then we laugh.

There is one part at the end of the movie that we both enjoy.

It's Christmas Eve, and Santa is having trouble getting his sleigh off the ground because there is no Christmas spirit. (See, totally realistic, lol.) Everyone starts singing Christmas carols to generate some power for the sleigh. That is everyone except Elf's father, the curmudgeonly Walter Hobbs, who is just moving his lips. (What else do you expect? He is on the naughty list!).

Then, suddenly, Walter's other son, Michael, points out that his father isn't singing. At first, Walter denies it, but then, just in time, he raises his voice and belts out the tune. Suddenly, the world is filled with Christmas spirit, Santa's sleigh takes off, and Christmas is saved!

So, where am I going with this in a man's devotional book?

Good question!

Well, I believe that too many men who say they are believers are doing their best Walter Hobbs impression in church.

They are standing with the congregation, listening to the music, watching other people worship God, but not participating.

(You see where I'm going now, don't you???)

If this is you, I have to ask, "Dude, what are you thinking?"

Worship isn't a spectator sport. You need to participate.

It doesn't matter if you can't sing—belt it out anyway! Make a joyful noise to the Lord.

Clap your hands.

Better yet, raise them in worship.

You don't have to grab a flag and start dancing around, but you do need to participate and sing.

"But it makes me uncomfortable?"

Who cares?

Worship isn't about you—it's about showing glory to God and giving Him the honor He deserves for all the amazing things He has done in our lives.

The more you worship, the more comfortable you will become worshipping.

So stop being a Walter—-worship the Lord with all your might. That's what a legendary man of God would do!

Memory Verse: Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the earth!
Serve the Lord with gladness! Come into his presence with singing! (Psalm 100:1-2, ESV)

Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV® Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

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